Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wallpapers For Glamour Bedroom

Water is a common good, never a good

In Water: life or merchandise? , Leonardo Boff raises the following insight:

"Two problems have created the current" global water stress "systematic contamination associated with the destruction of the biomass that ensures the perpetuity of running water and lack of care in the use of the drop is available. Aldo Rebouças teaches us is more important to know how to use a drop of water available to flaunt their wealth. As a scarce commodity, it shows a mad dash for the possession of the water. Whoever controls the water controls life. Who controls life, has the power.
"the dilemma then arises: Is the water source of life or financial gain? Is it a very natural, vital and irreplaceable or is an economic asset and a commodity? Those who seek only profit, treat as a commodity. The who believe in life, see it as an essential good for all living organisms and the ecological balance of the Earth. Have the right to life means having the right to free drinking water. But having cost of collecting, processing, distribution, use, reuse and conservation there is an undeniable economic dimension, which should not override the right, rather, should make it real and guaranteed for all.
Fresh water is a resource. It is life with all its symbolic resonance fertility, rebirth and purification. This has great value but are priceless. If care is abundant for all. "


These days, more than 1200 organizations promote a referendum water, in order to achieve the life of the human right to water in Colombia and public management of water by state agencies and community water systems in a framework of protection and environmental sustainability.

Because no water, no life ...

SIGNATURE Referendum by water, which aims to:

  • That access to water a fundamental human right

  • to ensure a minimum living free to all Colombian households

  • that services public water and sewer will not be privatized and are provided by public or community water supply nonprofit with participation and social control.

  • to ensure the preservation of the environment necessary for clean, abundant water is

  • that guarantees indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant communities, the effective enjoyment of these rights in accordance with their customs

" No water, no life: water referendum signature

By: National Authority of Indigenous Government

SIEC. Ethnic News, 28/04/2008.


Say "word without action is empty, no action is dangerous word, action and word without the spirit of the community is death" to that extent, his decision to take the referendum by the water itself is a sign that the authorities, their spirits and the community at large are willing to walk the floor. "

From: Ethnic News. URL:

More information on these sites:

No water, no life in defense of the Departmental Committee water and life, Antioquia

Ecological and Cultural Corporation Aloe Penca & ; task = view & id = 26 & Itemid = 1

Ethnic News

http://avocarelreferendo AVOCA . /


National Union of Users and Services Defenders Public

Water Planet


Vivaagua on youtube

Water Privatization
This video shows the situation presented in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on the privatization of water and the people's struggle to recover.

For more information about the situation in Bolivia and the rest of Latin America, see: