Wednesday, July 15, 2009

5 Days Of Egg White Cervical Mucus



4. Healthy society.


Instead of curing disease, total wellness focuses on prevention.

Modern life presents us with high industrial pollution, water pollution, depleted soils and nutrient-poor foods, stress, lack of physical activity, too little rest without true relaxation and exhaustion daily by electromagnetic pollution by use of phones, computers and appliances.

The biggest question is how many families of those hazards are in our homes?

Our products are Japanese leading in the world 31 years ago the most advanced solutions to reproduce the balance of nature in our home and give you a practical and effective solution to the challenges of modern life:

• Enjoy more at Rest and Relaxation sleep.
• Remove existing environmental pollutants in the air we breathe and the water we drink.
• Maintaining the vitality and physical condition with accessories that provide energy, reduce muscle tension and discomfort by blocking harmful effects of electro-magnetic wave technology.

Wellness Technologies the world's leading under the concept of WELLNESS HOME allow you to put your home as a refuge from the outside world improving the QUALITY OF LIFE HEALTH and supporting the whole family.

work environments can also be transformed by relying on several solutions to improve employee productivity, reduce the level of absenteeism due to diseases typical as back pain, carpal tunnel, digestive problems and high stress levels .


and ionization purification system Air: Provides

totally clean, natural air that includes 5 filters and purification with an efficiency of 99.9% removal of pollutants, dust, odors, dust mites and bacteria. Ozone-free and also generates negative ions that play the air quality in forests and natural environments that induce maximum relaxation and comfort. Besides operating a device for aromatherapy as a stimulus to the body's sensations.

Purification Systems and Water Optimization

Step 1: Generating Agua Viva

of the water treated aqueduct plays LIVING WATER or WATER Pi found in natural births of volcanic origin.

treated water removes all contaminants, chemicals, heavy metals and bacteria. Then gives mineral volcanic rocks and keeps oxygen from being a moving water. Besides getting fresh water and more soluble, is a magnetized water using magnetic technology for added hydration, Vitality and Relaxation to the body.

Step 2: Generating Water in perfect condition with OPTIMIZER

Starting and purified water, the OPTIMIZER is the latest technology for water in its perfect state. Water

high oxygen content gives greater vitality. Molecularly structured water as water from the body for greater regenerative effect through the power of the magnetic field OPTIMIZER, alkaline water to improve the body's defenses, water and mineral ions CORAL CALCIUM for added nutritional value.

Advanced System Rest and Relaxation:

Both the mattress and pillows are included as High technology, patented magnetic superior ergonomic design that give the opportunity to obtain a more comfortable, restful sleep all the conditions for total relaxation. Improvement and activates blood circulation, increasing oxygenation in the body to increase energy levels throughout the following day.

Provides support, comfort and adequate ventilation to avoid interruption of sleep.

Far Infrared technology Quilt that was initially used by NASA for astronauts' suits, and provides a comfortable heated throughout the night regardless of weather or air conditioning level inside the room. The quilt is super light and adapts to all climates by the reflective action of fibers sensitive to far infrared ceramic emanated by the body and release of heat when it gets out of the comfort range.

Additionally, this technology sets the output of toxins and acids from the body ensuring a profit in prevention of diseases, allergies and fluid retention changes typical of tropical environment.

Magnetic Relaxation Chair

With advanced magnetic technology and infrared technology allows far greater comfort and relaxation while developing any desktop activity. Helps prevent back strain and reduce stress. Anti-electromagnetic radiation remains exhaustion of computers and telephones.

Accessories Anti - Stress: Necklace & Templates

With magnetic technology provides greater vitality and body balance to support daily activities by reducing the physical exhaustion. Activates muscle movement promoting the welfare and well-functioning systems. Reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation generated by mobile phones, computers and permanent electrical appliances. Help prevent discomfort in the legs and neck. They are the perfect complement to leave our home of WELFARE.

Nutrition Macro

is the inspiration of a Japanese medical scientist, Dr. Hagiwara, who dedicated his life to finding a natural substance that promotes health with ingredients that provide complete nutritional needs for the body. Barley is tender grass that grows in an unspoilt region and away from Asia all the properties of land and water in its natural state. Has been recognized internationally as the perfect food that brings balance to the daily nutrition with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and energy source own nature. It dissolves in water Optimizer for greater effectiveness.


The AIR we breathe,

the water we drink,

The REST and sleep,
balanced nutrition,
Stress Management and
electromagnetic pollution
adequate exercise ...

But most of our prevention awareness at home ...

Irma Carrera Merchan
Cell .-
084232880 Tel - 04-2823657
Mail: @ irma.leyes

Messenger: irma.leyes @

Friday, July 3, 2009

Naturopathic Cancer Treatment

Walter Mignolo

Walter Mignolo is one of the leading researchers in the field of cultural studies, especially in the postcolonial theory and the issue of choice-colonial Latin America. is director of Center for Global Studies and the Humanities , Duke University, United States, and coeditor of Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise , a Web dossier with access to full text articles of interest in these issues.
As for the problems that arise for our Latin American peoples or debate regarding the projects of the "knowledge society", one of the claims (with hope) that makes the book Mignolo The idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America is:
"anti-colonial resistance and especially decolonial and utopian projects have existed since the early days of English rule in Mexico and the Andean region. Knowledge not only accumulates in Europe and the United States, where it spread throughout the world, but produced, accumulated and used critically everywhere. Anyway, the gathering of knowledge is more difficult for financially weak companies, therefore, lack of technology (books, libraries, newspapers, Internet, CD), and thus preserves the imperial power of knowledge to the detriment of other kinds of knowledge. However, there is already the idea that not everything is necessarily hegemonic dominance and hegemony, as the stock market, is diversifying "(p. 137).
Surfing the Web I found some sites and articles of interest to know the thinking of Mignolo:
To begin with, their own site with a blog, the list of publications, Mignolo class materials on the Web:
A text that reviews the role of the university and the importance of integrating into it the colonial thinking:
Some of his books can be reviewed at Google Books .
Interview Catherine Walsh makes Mignolo:
The Geopolitics of Knowledge and coloniality of power