Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lawn Mower Governor Diagram

Go to the start of the race of the 2010 Gallo

Now that is the Shack on the South, because I pulled a friend out in his boat to see the race of the Rooster, just say that the output is of the most beautiful it can be, for the site and the color.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Obtain Medical Records In Ontario

The Barcelona World Race party on 31 December 2010 at 13 hours

hope to be in the Straits and to see them
Two Videos expectaculares

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Baby Shower Wish Lists

Bargues Albert's new book, "Word around the world "Part

Source: Navegar.es
On Thursday December 16 at 19.30, the navigator Albert Bargués presented at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona a book + DVD based on his own experiences in the first edition of the Barcelona World Race.
Written in Castilian and Catalan, "Paraules to voltant del món" (or "Word around the world") is edited by Albert himself, can be purchased online at a price of 26 € and profits generated by a 15% will be for the NGO "Education Without Borders."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Party Supplies Bangkok

The Henry Shackleton Bilbao Algeciras course again.

; ;

live to see where they go

http: / / www.localizatodo.com/mapa/?nameship=SHACKLETON% 20HENRY

Bilbao After some time in the family sailboat to sail back south through the strait, a place that already know from previous occasions.
departed last night on November 6 and are on the height of Llanes, intending to make the first stop in Gijón and watch shows the part of the next few days.

After stopping a few days in Gijón to pass a front with strong winds and big waves came towards Ribadeo. There are also
few days in port due to sea state and wind, it is not working this week truce.
As the party will improve another step by the Galician coast, gradually approaching the Strait.
The next landfall was in Viveiro to hit another jump and then to La Coruna.
From this last week has left port Baiona reaching the sea if it can, through Fisterra now, you probably already are seeing flashes of light.

After stopping in Bayonne came towards Cascais where they made another stop. In these moments have passed Cape St. Vincent to thread the Strait to the port of Algeciras. Travesia

told by Manolo, a member of the crew

Bio Part Gijon Ribadeo it took a crew to expect from us shortly

Ribadeo 12/11/1910 On board.

Today the team was left crippled. Nani At 0700 he left for A Coruña, from there fly to home ... well, there will be a next time mate.

After a shower and breakfast we go for a walk to the Lighthouse of Illa Pancha, who guided us to this ria. It is a pleasant promenade, this is the adept, the bad news is that the output of the ria is practically unfeasible, waves breaking across the mouth of up to four meters. Only white is a great spectacle and a great "putadita." Back to eat at the Nautico, good menu for nine euros, sautéed mushrooms and peas with the first cod, pork chops or grilled turbot second, drink, bread, coffee, water, etc, and of course after the boat and a English siesta, restorative.

the evening left with Alberto and Salvador, friends Dani's brother, "and enjoy a good meal of Galician octopus, squid, salad, and Lacon. After such good sailors in port, some drinks, some find it a little late and appear on the ship at about four in the morning with a glass of more.

Ribadeo 11/13/1910 On board.

The ten o'clock. From the tranquility of the starboard aft cabin, you hear gusts of wind that does not bode well, but moments later with a tea in the hand and on deck we see a crew that seems will go sailing, we were to call them when out. And that call is made, we ... Ribadeo stay in the moment. We

the commercial port where we learned last night between drinks, there is a trimaran, the Cote dor 23 meters participating in the Regatta Ron had to go to a medical emergency towing for save me. Or it changes a lot or we swallow the classification of Abbu Dhabi Grand Prix, and at this rate the race tomorrow, touch wood. After lunch

Dani and Ibon go back to the lighthouse. The output of the ria is clear and seems not too windy, at 1730 we left and we headed for Ribadeo Viveiro, which arrived at 2300 hours. The first part of the navigation have vientode SW 20 knots, we do not raise traqves waves that begins suddenly and subside to rain and continued so until we went to bed after a light dinner, creamed vegetables and some fruit. The forecast is not good for tomorrow, but not anticipate events. 11/10/1914

Leaving Viveiro to 1105 and we heading towards A Coruña, winds of 20 knots with peaks of 28, heavy rain and storm, even a major hailstorm. Two hours ahead of a 10.50 Pogo French, with whom we met this evening in A Coruña.

The writer goes virtually daily throughout the voyage as a useless burden, tiriteras and slight fever. A Coruna to enter 2200 and berthed at the yacht after the sailor out to meet us with a boat-never something like that happened to us. And after a refreshing shower and quickly went out to dinner for the boat to rest. 11/15/1910

Aboard in A Coruña

Diana at 0900. We decided after talking to Finisterre we go, try to get to Bayonne. We look forward to leaving the Cantabrian, from Friday we left Bilbao, is becoming a little pain in the ass this beautiful seaside.

The forecast is not too bad, to Cabo Villano, wind from the bow then northwest, to see if it is true that once we can sail with sails and let the wind that drives us. Ultimately this is a sailboat.

At 1200 we left after refueling Corunna Sea depth of 2-3 meters, and fold Sisargas Islands at 1600, an hour after we hoisted sails, but still help with the engine. An hour later herded by lack of wind and continued to motor and 0650 of day 16 docked in Bayonne, where it seems that we will be up tomorrow night at least the south wind forecast for the bow-force nine. 16/11/1910

Aboard in Bayonne.

We awoke about 1100 and after a shower and breakfast we make a purchase and prepare, Ibon, of course, a seafood rice, accompanied by good mussels. In the afternoon an escape by bus to Vigo, where he spends a relaxing afternoon with a friend and now that stop seeing these masks, and forget Estimates for a while, storms and spray. Something different for a change.

At ten in the night all on board, heating the pan noon rice served us dinner, bed and woke up early morning to set sail to Cascais, where the chef is scheduled landing and fly home. 11/10/1917

Aboard in Bayonne

Someone put the clock to 0700 to leave early. NO SONO. By 0800 we had breakfast and got ready to leave, we water and fuel. The wind shifted to north-west force 4-5.

In 1000 we put towards Bayonne and 190-210, looking south, and you can go if you notice, wind 20-25 knots from the northwest, GPS speed ranges between 6.5 and 8 knots. The sun makes an appearance and accompanies us almost all day, but we still have the odd shower. Mayor

up and a bit of Geneva, aided by the engine. Eating fries Rioja.

during the afternoon with the curry catch a beautiful pair of 2-3 kilos, that tomorrow we will enjoy the food.

Throughout the day the wind and the sea are diminishing and in the evening and at dawn the wind is sometimes almost knots, but the showers tuned because we bring gusts of 20-25 knots. 10/11/1918

at sea aboard:

The first guard from 0000 to 0400 M. Morales and Ibon, from four until dawn Dani and M. Durante, something that brightens as sighted and Berlanger Islands, just a little north of Peniche. A good average speed for sure. Sunrise with 5-6 knots of northwest and little sun to disappear at times by clouds that do not care much, especially after what happened.

nice stew of food, and during the afternoon we continue helping with the engine, the wind between 5 and 10 knots in the bow, until we come to 1905 in Cascais, where we tie, rosette spray and received excellent news, the father of our friend Silvia that pachuchito improvement. Little message to our colleague and truly happy, while our cook prepares us last meal-dinner-before landing morning, scrambled eggs with mushrooms, ham. After the intention is to stretch their legs Cascais, and see some pretty face, but that yaq is another story to tell or not tomorrow, as of. 19/11/1910

Aboard in Cascais.

We woke up early, and dawn sky raining and quite dark. The south wind force 5 it seems that we stay in port until tomorrow. That's the bad news, good to Ibon-the cook to stay on board with us tomorrow, it's good to be well fed.

estimate that we are-270millas-forty-eight hours of sailing to the Straits, Straits ... we have our desire. To see if hopefully at least brightens a bit and it stops raining for visiting the area without getting wet more Cascais it already got wet.

During the morning the president arrives in Lisbon Obama, for a summit of NATO, we announced that you can not visit on board ajenda problems. He loses, on board have good red wine and some records of Cigala, Sabina and other great English artists, besides of course the cold beer, and of course the grilled tuna and fried rice served with marinated red peppers that have to eat ... Noob.

Before we have to use 1800 as the morning does not open until 0900 and at that time we should be sailing. And Carlos Zambrano comes xxxx who will join us to complete this crossing.

In 0930 we left Cascais and put course 180 degrees shortly after a fall at 160-150 San Vicente, the wind on the stern, the more up and motor by an average of seven knots hope to be half night about San Vicente. It is sunny for a change, and the sea gives us flap Er. Outta the curry and navigate. Sabina Tito enliven these early hours.

of food rice to Cuba, Cuban-sin, and in the afternoon we caught another nice ending in the fridge ready for cooking camaraderie. Vegetable cream for dinner-something warm-and a couple of sandwiches apiece. It's cold.

The rest of the day passes without incident, and gradually getting closer to San Vicente, whose lighthouse began to make out to approximately 2245. 21/11/1910

at sea aboard

In 0000 we started to bend Junked Punta San Vicente and Sagres, and our new heading 115, direct the Strait. We are in the Gulf of Cadiz. Viva Cai.

The night gives us a total almost becalmed, but after what happened no one seems to suffer too. The little wind that there continues to enter from the rear, and the swell disappears, so we rest our four hours in total tranquility. It is the first night that we sleep peacefully without so fucking meneíto hitting the sea on the quarter.

Sunrise in the Gulf is beautiful, how could it be otherwise, " and even lowered the Sprayhood and make some photos, a pity that the model is none other than Manolo Durante, would have been better Morenita of Cascais, and will not make more comments on this issue.

The day dawns sunny, and for the first time on some layers of clothing, which take advantage of sun, and another pal goldfish bag. Of the two samples already lost or talk.

We raise the spinnaker, but the lack of wind and the course that allows us -090 - pick us soon so that we follow and as motor. To eat pasta, as the new cook-Dani-can not ask much ... the guy puts his commitment and will. IIIIBONNNNNNNN.

At 1446 by the port bow and 44.58 nm-I in the chart table la Caleta de Cadiz. The model at the helm, Dani in the kitchen, Carlos, Carlos was not good to see him, I think there is a lump under a duvet in the aft starboard, and that is clear, as it trying to tell so simple and fast another day.

The decline -1815 - brings us back to shelter and continued with 120 looking towards the Strait, while a huge full moon peeks through port. In 2350 we

south of Trafalgar, the greatest and we herded the genoa and the engine, trying to take advantage of the dry season that lasted until three in the morning. 22/11/1910

at sea aboard

The gentle west wind takes us into increasingly in the strait, some clouds but good visibility for the full moon. Everything is familiar, Trafalgar on the port quarter, Zahara at the line in front of us the first lights of Tarifa. On the starboard side Spartel, Tangier and the sky background clearly indicates that we will soon see the first lights of Ceuta. Are 0135 AM, M. Durante and Carlos lie as usual and covered the other two enjoying the end of this little adventure we turn to miss half of Spain. There were tough moments, some dull, others a little desperate, like when we were locked up in the northern port because of storms.

What was expected to travel eight and twelve days, ended up being a voyage of seventeen days, which causes the road good companions and friends who had to go ashore to meet these other obligations that nobody, at least here, is safe. To all thanks for tolerance, patience, and ultimately the good vibes that made these hard times were easier for everyone. That good laugh.

In 0307 we are on the South Island of Tarifa, and from there the last stretch to the Bay of Algeciras, where we were docked in port 0510 and connected to shore power.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bskyb Dg934g Does Not Have A Port Forward Setting

go sailing and Pakea Bizkaia returns home after reaching the North Cape Race XXVI

Today we were to go for a ride, let Rosa, Jon and myself. The rainy day is the early and later improved. We were early to browse longer, also comes http://www.pakeabizkaia.com/ Pakea Bizkaia and so we welcome, nice trip have been made. After the departure of anodes made the change in the propeller, you have to take the plunge and diving. At first the water is cold but then you have no desire to leave. Some fish me company while doing the task under the belly of the Shack.

; ; Just outside the rainbow comes

; ; In the background we see that Pakea comes from North Cape, not bad

; , Rosa and Jon, that crew!

; ; The sun rises to meet the Pakea, and so do we.

                                                          Then the ship would visit

Then jump in the water I had to change the anode

More photos and better in
blog friend

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Do You Heat The Coffee In A Mre

Questions for new education, William Ospina

" Today we are better informed than ever, but we are more ignorant than ever. The writer asks a question at the same time is a utopia: will be the creation, affection and austerity the paradigms of the future?"

In Public Reason see this text by William Ospina, which says questions like this:

Every time we asked ourselves what education we want, what we are asking is what kind of world we want to strengthen and perpetuate. We called education the way we transmit to future generations the way of life we \u200b\u200bhave made. But while education can be understood as transfer of knowledge, we could also understand as search and transform the world in which we live. "

Read more ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What Kind Of Necklace With A Sweetheart

Huelva La Gomera aboard Sukita, Elan 310


After the first 24 hours of departure of the XXVI edition Race of Huelva-La Gomera, the lack of wind is the main problem, according to the pattern Lucio Perez, who commented that from 10 pm and until 7 am had sailed with only 8 knots, so no wonder that on arrival in Canary calms are to September, although still remaining for that many miles to go, and that of the 750 that separate Huelva in La Gomera, the first ship has traveled about approximately 165.
To celebrate the first day of the first boat race is the "Didgeredoo" carried 165 miles, followed by "Victoria" with 129, then "Sukita" 115, “Claudia” 112, “Unidos por La Gomera” 107, “Pasión por Punta Umbría” 107, “Construcciones Marichal-Isla de La Gomera” 101, “CDN Punta Umbría” 98, “Anuska V” 97, “Guarapo” 97, “Maltensi” 92, “Toyota Niponuba” 91, “DBKB” 87, “Mariana” 84, “Fiona I” 83, “Ulises Altea” 81, “Salvora II” 78 y cerrando la regata aparece el “Vaporeto” que solo ha navegado 67 millas.


Durante la travesía vimos estos delfines que nos siguieron durante un rato





Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Sympathy In Arabic

A song for the youngest sailors

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- 0IBWM-6hiU

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Messages For Baby Card Twins

For children we go to Huelva La Gomera

Bernard, Samuel, Ibon and myself, if all goes well, we left on Saturday 4 post La Gomera. Bonita regattas leading 26 editions. The ship a new 310 Elan lashing that we had the opportunity to try. The ship is already in Huelva with Samuel Bernard and waiting we get Ibon and Me. A few miles ...

Boat Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r72O3sMRoSI
To follow the race

luck and good bow.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shotput Distance For 13 Year Old

Regatta Eastbound

This time we headed east to Plentzia. Ikaro sail along the boat, anchored there with the two anchor Shackleton, is holding up well to the two boats.

did a good day.

Bad Moon picture of a fish that did not cross, the camera is a bit slow and he was leaving.

sun bathing and surfing

; ; ;      

                                                                              The Shack always
along well

The two sailboats anchored to a single anchor, the Shack is behaving.

Too bad
gives back.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Colour Should My Dogs Nipples Be

Today we a crew of New estate project

Today we went for a short time back, the crew, as two girls who aim at everything and Marian Estíbaliz, their two respective children, aged four months and one year Bruno Jon , Jon's father, still points hernia operation and the writer's father another child, let a crew young, healthy and "experienced", we are going quiet as could be.
I think that today was going to be baptism for nearly everyone, good Estíbaliz had already made an exit, six or so Bruno, then ....... some, but within her pregnant mother, but the first either has been four months now, and now that Bruno will baptize it with water from the estuary of Bilbao. First out also for the other components of the crew, except for the writer, of course.
The truth is that the younger they were the best on deck, taking their lunch in the sun, had a good face. First
output and precision in maneuvering and docking perfect game, possibly the best, if I already said that this was a luxury crew, each in his place.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Snot Like Discharge At 10 Weeks

Pakea Bizkaia

A new project has broken course Pakea Bizkaia North

More information on his web

; ; Http://www.pakeabizkaia.com/

Friday, July 23, 2010

Face Slimming Cream Toronto

These "small" resistance are

This is a sign of how multinational corporations continue to destroy our Mother and peoples for millennia have cared for her:

mine: the story of a sacred mountain

Y Hope is always there, Against all odds :

Survival: The indigenous movement

Join acts, ciberactúa!
Get walking!
Walk your talk!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hack T-mobile Usb Dongle

Road to Castro, a classic

agree with the Zorion
Since the part provided Castro was encouraged
Zorion The crew of the sailboat parked side by side next to Henry Shackleton
problems with some crew members aboard
The two crews together pintxo
The tortilla, which rejected a penalty for coming to the tops of the port of Castro pintxos
; ; ; A future great navigator, Ander Xabi, or present I would say.