Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why Does Cat Bring Toy Gifts


"Studying is not an act of using ideas ,
but create and recreate "

(Paulo Freire).

Since about two decades ago has been discussing and trying to support that education has been in crisis due to the development and mass of information and communication technologies and, therefore, is necessary modernization of the school Ar or university, including upgrading to digital literacy and teacher s in all levels of education, which has degenerated into a manipulation of the educational activity in its submission to the techno-economic ideology. Thus, in many cases, if not most, what has been happening is that schools and universities are still performing the same traditional educational practices signals, reinforced by an appropriation of technological tools indecent who have served more to tighten the supervision and control over students and teachers to promote meaningful learning scenarios.

But fortunately a few months ago has begun circulating the web a seemingly outrageous word: edupunk , nominated last May by Jim Groom , educational technology specialist
p ROFESSOR OF the University of Mary Washington.

To understand why it is important to this new concept, it is necessary to refer to the ideals of the punk movement. According to Greg Graffin in Punk Manifesto, Punk's "personal expression of uniqueness that comes from experiences of growing up in touch with our human ability to reason and ask questions. " And it says it is:
  • "a process of questioning and commitment to understanding, which is on individual progress, and by extrapolation, would lead to social progress."
  • "Without the desire to understand and question the beliefs held, the truth remains covered behind custom, inactivity, and the dominant ideology."
  • "Punk is: the belief that this world is what we do him, the truth comes from our understanding of how things are, not blind adherence to formulas about how things should be. "
  • "Punk is a microcosm of the human spirit. L @ \u200b\u200bs Punks get ahead through their minds, not brute force. Are ahead of society in its diversity, not conformity. Motivate otr @ s for inclusion, not domination. "
And in the Wikipedia reads:
  • "punk philosophy can be summarized as" DIY "," do your way ".
  • rejects dogma, and does not seek a single truth. question everything that is set .
  • despises fashion and media manipulation. But aesthetics can also reach become a pre-established by the punk fashion. It is against consumerism and calls people not to be fooled and think for themselves. "
So from this perspective, education is only possible if there is a collective that in addition to sharing ideas, knowledge and certain forms of thinking, build their own speeches from their life experience based on their critical thinking skills.

edupunk movement is a radical response to the powers and uses established in traditional educational field. According to this movement are the communities in their own cultural environment the center of the learning process, hence the fundamental principle punk "do it yourself", also typical of hackers and geeks, referring to one of the main features of edupunk : self-management.

is an open digital education, which is more related to culture than technology. This means that the idea of \u200b\u200bsociocultural change is not a issue that depends on the technology but people and their net collective organization, and to this end we are using the potential of Web 2.0, it was said that it is a matter more of attitude than technology. In this sense, it raises another of the principles of edupunk : the use of tools free and open source.

addition, guided by the ideals of teamwork, freedom of participation and shared information freely accessible to all.

Edupunk is an educational alternative that aims to challenge the prevailing beliefs to understand and transform; goes against the conformity and consumerism, and for the uniqueness of each social subject (which Paulo Freire calls "the autonomy of the learner's"), but also streamlines the diversity groups. Opposes the manipulation of the media led by major corporations and offers an education based on collective work in which the critical reading of the cultural context of social transformation possible.

And to close, this comment from Dalla Valle Anaclara in
" Pioneering, innovative and transgressive ways to build knowledge, learning and teach, to reach the other, to face vast challenges: first, education, on the other hand, adaptation of new technologies and their "ultraarchipositivos" benefits to this process rather than complex and momentous, and finally, challenge of defending this position before thousands of people fearing their true value. "

Related Sites:
Edupunk in Wikipedia
edupunk Has born? The origins
Introducing Edupunk
What edupunk in terms of Freire and KaplĂșn
Additional references for understanding the edupunk
Edupunk, Meaning, Identity in Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy
Edupunk in noticiasmoodle
Edupunk Learn Online in


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